Build foundation, balance and correct swing path with Beast Hack hitting stations!

Training is no longer interrupted by weather, temperature, needing another person to train with you to throw balls or whatever your reasons may be. Beast Hack offers a self correcting baseball and softball hitting stations due to our fifty-five degrees of angle rotation on our portable and permanent model patented hitting stations. With instant feedback after each swing, hitters will know exactly what their hands are doing based on the rotation of the ball assembly. See our video below for a visual explanation of how the Beast Hack hitting stations help hitters from all age groups and skill levels create smooth power!

Hitters will know exactly what their hands are doing and how to fix their swing based on the rotation of the ball assembly for the pitch location they are working on. Train to the large parts of the field where your power is greatest!

Breaking down the JMH2911 swing trainer by Beast Hack. Explanation of features and benefits.

Explanation of “Paths of Rotation” telling the hitter everything they need to know to correct their own swing or confirm a proper swing once correct contact is made just off the front hip.

  • The Inside Pitch

    The inside pitch on the “Beast Hack” swing trainer will give the feedback for a right handed hitter (opposite for left handed hitters) of rotation in the direction of “Path 2” as seen in Diagram 5. “Beast Hack” hitting stations give detailed feedback of a hitters swing unlike any other swing trainer on the market. When training for power to the power alley on the inside pitch, contact is made just off the front hip with the barrel of the bat just ahead of the hands at contact. See how Austin Riley of the Atlanta Braves shows you how it is done! Beast Hack to left center field power alley!

  • Pitch down the Middle

    A pitch down the middle of the plate on the “Beast Hack” swing trainer for a right handed batter will give the feedback of rotation for right handed hitters and left handed hitters a rotational direction of “Path 1” as seen in Diagram 5 if the swing is correct. The rotation will be a 6 o’clock - 12 o’clock spin. The hands are in direct correlation with the barrel of the bat at contact just off the front side of the hip. See how Austin Riley show you how its done! Beast Hacks to center field!

  • The Outside Pitch

    This pitch on the “Beast Hack” swing trainer for a right handed hitter (opposite for left handed hitters) will give the feedback of rotation in the direction of “Path 3” as seen in Diagram 5. When hitting the outside pitch to the power alley you still want to hit that pitch just off the front hip and at contact the hands should be just in front of the barrel of the bat as you can see here where Austin Riley shows you how it is done! Beast Hacks to Right Center (Power Alley)

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Paths of Rotation for training to center field and the power alley’s (Top View)

Baseball Softball swing plane path to contact for inside, outside and down the middle of the plate pitches.

Diagram 5

Left-handed hitters on the Left side of the hanging ball.

Right-handed hitters on the Right side of the hanging ball

Made in USA


Instant Feedback


Improves Swing Path


More Consistent Hard Contact

Made in USA - Instant Feedback - Improves Swing Path - More Consistent Hard Contact